Monday, October 8, 2012

Get there already!

I'm going to Singapore - just not tonight at 10:00pm.

I was on track to leave about two weeks ago when a 4 am call let me know that the network canceled my ENTIRE series.  BLAST.  And an immediate delay of any actually inter-continental travel for everyone to re-group. 

For those of you who don't aren't privy to my bi-yearly midnight phone rants, this is actually very standard TV procedure and happens to me regularily.   Usually it all works out even better than the original plan.   In the meantime it can cause insomnia, headaches, and consumption of entire quarts of Salted Caramel Gelato. 

Basically, any production company making a show can't officially hire anyone until they have a budget to pay for them.  But the budget can't be approved until the show is "greenlit" (and if it is a series the episodes must be approved before a greenlight).  The network also usually wants to know who will be working on, writing, producing, making the magic happen, etc. before they give a greenlight.  But wait, you can't hire anyone until AFTER the greenlight - how on earth do you know who will be making the magic, until the magic is already happening?



I'm not leaving for Singapore just yet.  It will happen people.  I'm sure of it.

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